Monday, July 30, 2012

Don't Let the Pigeon Touch the Library Books

This morning my grandsons and I went to story time at the local library. I wore my powder blue Mo Willem's Pigeon shirt. It has the pigeon on the front as shown in the photo and on the back it says, "I have dreams you know."  One of the moms fell over herself after the story time trying to get to me to find out where I got my shirt.  She was so excited because her children like most children are addicted to the crazy pigeon and his antics. Her exact words to me were, "I read those books over and over, I might as well wear the shirt." Mo Willems, we love your pigeon! Which brings me to this wonderful parody video which teaches students about book care using their beloved pigeon. You can bet I will be using this video during the first week of classes to introduce book care to my students! Oh, by the way, the Pigeon also has his own Twitter account, and I got my pigeon shirt at a librarian's conference but you can find it here. Looks like I can also get myself a plush pigeon there too, guess I better do that so my students can make their own pigeon videos!

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