Monday, January 22, 2007


As a “power librarian” I never considered myself afraid of technology until today. We have a 2-hour delay and my in-laws are here. They came down to breakfast this morning and found me listening to a podcast. That prompted an explanation of podcasting. Since the podcast (guess I should really be using the term netcast) I was listening to was of a live netcast that used Skype to call into the program, I had to explain Skype which is where my techno-fear comes in… I am Skype-o-phobic. I have a copy downloaded on my desktop but I have never used it. Why haven’t I? It’s because I am afraid. I don’t know exactly how to use it so it is easier not to use it. Now I know how other teachers in my building feel about the SMART Board. I am lucky, the SMART Board is in my library and I can play around on it to find out how it works. But what about Skype? I think that is a different story. I can play around on the SMART Board when no one is looking or listening. Skype is out there for all to use and call… who do I Skype with that will be understanding of a newbie? Hopefully, I can get someone to show me how to use Skype to allay my fears and I will show teachers in my building how to use the SMART Board to allay their fears. That is the way it has to be with technology… we have to help each other so that we can become technology and information literate. Technology is not something I should be afraid of… it is a tool… I shouldn’t be afraid of tools! The students in my building are not afraid of technology and I should not be either. Skype away!... who knows where it will lead… maybe my own netcast! Consider the technological possibilities.

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