Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lisa's Lingo: Keystones Technology Innovators STARS Summit

One of the people that transformed the way I think about differentiated instruction, Lisa Parisi, was one of the presenters at the Keystone Technology Innovation Summit this year.  I have know Lisa for a long time. We first met at an Educon at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, and again at ISTE 2011, the last time it was in Philadelphia. I attended her session and was blown away by some of things I heard. It changed the way I think of my classroom and lessons. I don't have to expect less from a child because they have an IEP, it just means that they think differently and if I give them a way to express themself differently they can learn and do amazing things. After that encounter I stopped using so many worksheets... but I digress. Lisa came to the Keystone Summit and we had lunch together one day and boom... she changed my life again. She said I was embarassing her with all the flattery I was giving her on Facebook and Twitter. But I myself was twitterpated... THE Lisa Parisi was having lunch with me! And you know what, she changed my life again! She told me that she is just a teacher like I tell everyone, I am just a librarian. And I realized that when we do our jobs well, no matter who we are... our kids are the stars. And I was humbled again by what Lisa wrote on her blog... how much she learned and took away from the summit too. Lisa's Lingo: Keystones Technology Innovators STARS Summit. I am so grateful to the Summit organizers and sponsors that gave us this opportunity. And Lisa, it was so good to see you again!

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