Saturday, January 04, 2014

Robotic Snow Plow!

After the second snow day of the school year and the third time shoveling my driveway and getting plowed in again by the snow plow, I lamented on Plurk that iRobot should invent a Roomba type snow plow and low and behold one of my friends posted this video. Not exactly a Roomba but it gets the job done! Hope this is not something in the distant future because I would consider something like this right now! Can you tell I am getting tired of winter! Anyway, this got me to wondering which one of my students could invent something like this and what do I have to do to inspire those types of inventors? I hope my library is a research mecca for future inventors and I want to always make sure it is a welcoming place where students feel free and comfortable to come and get answers to their inquiries!
I also found out about National Robotics Week on the iRobot website. I had no idea I could get my students involved in something this cool. So, in an effort to encourage my students to be inventors I am planning to promote National Robotics Week and see what my students can do to make my snow plow robot reality! Some activities on the horion for the week of April 5-13, 2014 include a robotics lab open house at the University of Penn. Sounds like fun to me! Wonder how many of my students I can encourage to attend?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

spazzaneve Dite addio alla neve. Di solito la prima neve è motivo di gioia. Tuttavia più tardi, quando i marciapiedi ed i passi carrai devono essere liberati dalla neve, la gioia si tramuta rapidamente in un fardello ed il dovere di liberare i passaggi carrai per i proprietari di case e terreni diventa spesso un fastidioso contrattempo.